Paleo Diet Versus My Cholesterol

These results are my own and published for your amusement. Eating Habits Recap I was on a (subjectively) healthy diet (the slow-carb diet) for almost a year which resulted in my lipid panels on 12/12/2011. I’ve been on the Paleo diet since 2/21/2012 with very few exceptions. My data is pretty clean. I haven’t eaten ...

Open letter to Zynga

I will never stop trying to improve things. Here is my open letter to Zynga about Hanging With Friends for iPhone. I do take software tweaks seriously. Good work guys. Great game. Some feedback regarding woes of auto-forfeit: Description: I’m usually a very busy person and when I finally sit down to play Hanging With Friends ...

The Power of Now Review 1

The Power of Now is the most bizarre book you’d ever find me reading. I remember turning on the audiobook and the first 16 seconds were so existential I burst into laughter. I was up for the challenge and so I continued to listen and I have since learned to respect Eckhart Tolle’s somewhat unique philosophy. ...

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