Tying Depression, Motivation, and Meditation Together

This article is based on a conversation I had. It is edited to be more coherent. It is not meant to be taken literally because I am not a neurologist. Take it as advanced speculation. Anonymous: I’m reading a book about how to stop being depressed without using medication. Justin: Does reading the book make ...

Thoughts on Roe v. Wade Overturned

My condolences to the people who are shocked about Roe v. Wade being overturned. Some of you may think we are going backwards, but that isn’t true. This went exactly as was anticipated. We have a compound mode of government that allows each individual state and local government to decide on its own laws. The ...

Is Multi Collagen a Scam?

I wrote to a popular brand that produces a collagen supplement, and I asked them if “multi-collagen” is essentially just a marking sham. Their response is worthy of publication; however, I am editing their response to make it anonymous. Please note that this brand does sell a collagen product but does not advertise it as ...

Thoughts on Meditation

Although I am a fan of many books on meditation, buddhism, and mindfulness, I still feel disdain for how meditation is discussed and taught. So many books on meditation only take you halfway and are disconnected from the rest of reality. They are so often the blind leading the blind—a cult of people using vague ...

Re: What programming language should I learn first?

Not a lot of people mention it, but learning SQL data storage is actually a really good starting place. It has nearly universal application later, and it also teaches you about data types. You can parlay the knowledge right into making PHP scripts to read the data and print it on screen, and then HTML ...