How to use Netflix on Vacation

Here’s how to use Netflix on an extended vacation when you are out of the country and Netflix is being pathetic and blocking your ability to watch outside of your household. 1. Using remote access, install NordVPN on your home PC and on your phone. 2. Turn on NordVPNs Meshnet feature on both devices. Rename ...

Logical vs. Emotional Decision Outcomes

Reader Question: What is an example of a scenario where making a decision based on emotion rather than on logic will lead to a better overall long term outcome? Justin: Your subjective personal experience trumps everything else. So neither logic nor emotion is a universally ideal choice. What scenario? Every passing moment that you craft ...

Goodbye, Evernote

Evernote has recently implemented a 50 notes 1 notebook limit. Astonishingly, they are asking for $130+ USD a year for access to an extremely slow and buggy notetaking service. I *might* have considered paying $12 annual for some basic lightweight and lightning fast notetaking with no frills; Instead Evernote went the clunky and costly route. ...

Everything Happens for a Reason

When the phrase “everything happens for a reason” is uttered, one is inclined to accept or reject the literal interpretation. It is more advantageous to recognize that this phrase is emblematic of the actual truth. Although those who use the phrase may not realize it themselves, it is nevertheless a signpost pointing to inner peace. ...

Solved: Hiding EFI Partition in File Explorer

Problem Windows is showing a drive in “This PC” area that is actually a system EFI partition. It’s ugly and annoying and you want to hide it. Solution For the following example, let’s say that you want to hide the E:\ drive letter in File Explorer, which is a system EFI partition. This partition is ...

Relationships Between Neurotransmitters, Anxiety, God, and Love

Every once in awhile I like to connect all the dots of existence and explain how our emotional relationship to the universe matters. When such a conversation happens, I sometimes share it here for the reader’s benefit.C: I also have a weird phenomenon that happens sometimes where I try to do something rewarding, but it ...

Brain Energy Book Review

I finished reading Brain Energy. Neat book. Alternative title: Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the Brain. 😂 The author is trying to create a paradigm shift to view nearly all organic mental illnesses as mitochondrial dysfunction. He says it explains a lot of things, for example why do SSRIs take weeks to take effect despite ...

Solved: Cannot Reach BIOS or BOOT by Keypress

I worked on an Acer Aspire 571p laptop that would not allow entry into the BIOS by pressing F2, or to the boot menu by pressing F12. My goal was to install an SSD and boot from USB to install Windows 10 completely clean. However, this particular laptop was unable to boot to USB and ...

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Stair-Stepping FPS Bug

I am publically documenting a bug with Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands in hopes that readers will help provide information that will resolve this issue. Symptoms: Tiny Tina’s Wonderland’s frames per second (FPS) is unstable and fluctuates; yet it does so in a reliable pattern that I call “stair-stepping.” The issue can reproduced by launching the game ...

Not Knowing Ourselves

I often think about how what we say we want vs what we really want often differs so much. It is an interesting blindspot. “Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution” This phrase is something I’ve learned to trust as a guiding principle to explain many things I find puzzling. It ...

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