Difference Between Usually and Typically 3

I was scouring the internet looking for information on usually vs typically and I was surprised to find none. In fact the only real solid answer floating out there is one I had provided. People were earnestly asking and I felt sincerely that other resources has failed the questions. This therefor seems like a topic ...

Thoughts on Rendering the Universe

This is just a short piece where I rattled off ad-hoc some thoughts on this article, which covers recent proof that reality doesn’t exist until it is being measured. This reminds me of how computer games work. In a video game, if you aren’t looking at something, it doesn’t get rendered. For example, the opposite ...

Grain Brain Book Review

I finished reading Grain Brain a few weeks ago. I highly recommend it as an introductory book for anyone with a family member suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia. That being said, if you already have significant experience with functional medicine you’ll appreciate the conciseness of the book as an introductory resource for others, but you ...

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