Brain Energy Book Review

I finished reading Brain Energy. Neat book. Alternative title: Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the Brain. 😂

The author is trying to create a paradigm shift to view nearly all organic mental illnesses as mitochondrial dysfunction. He says it explains a lot of things, for example why do SSRIs take weeks to take effect despite raising serotonin in minutes? His answer: Because it takes the serotonin weeks to facilitate the mitochondria biogenesis that he believes is actually responsible for treatment. This theory also explains why some medications paradoxically make conditions worse before they make conditions better, and why some treatments make conditions better in the short term but worse in the long term. On and on. Study after study. I think there’s probably some autocorrelation here in some of the studies, but overall I think he is probably correct. Almost every disease is a metabolic disease.

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