How to use Netflix on Vacation

Here’s how to use Netflix on an extended vacation when you are out of the country and Netflix is being pathetic and blocking your ability to watch outside of your household.

1. Using remote access, install NordVPN on your home PC and on your phone.

2. Turn on NordVPNs Meshnet feature on both devices. Rename your devices to something recognizable or at least take note of the names generated by MeshNet.

3. On the home PC, configure MeshNet to allow traffic routing from the phone (give permission to the phone to route traffic through the PC.)

4. On the phone, turn on traffic routing through the PC.

5. To confirm this is working, see if you have the same IPv4 address by googling “what is my ip address” on both devices. If the IP is the same you should now be able to watch Netflix.

6. You can even fix your vacation smart TVs by choosing the “troubleshoot” option in the Netflix app on tour TV. You can add the TV to your household by scanning the QR code with your phone. As long as your phone IP address is the same as your home network during this step, this should work. This worked for me even though the smart TV was never added to any VPN or MeshNet.

Special notes: During these steps I never spoofed my IP address by connecting to a remote location using the VPN. I made sure my home PC was only using the Meshnet feature while still using my real ISP-provided IP address. I mention this because it was likely important to make Netflix work.



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