A Graph-ic Beginning 3

I’ve given a lot of thought about writing, and why someone would want to make a blog. I’m not sure where to begin so will instead share with you my most recent thoughts — completely uncensored.

I wonder if I should write a blog?

What makes a good writer?

Is writing ability proportional to social skill?

I wonder if I can display my inner-most thoughts in graph form?


Was the time it took to put together a (hopefully) legitimate looking visual aid worth this joke?

How about this one?


Man, these graphs look so official. I feel like a scientist. I could do with one more.

Okay. I’ve successfully exploited the graph to make myself laugh and also inflate the length of this post. All in a day’s work. Time to go and celebrate.

3 thoughts on “A Graph-ic Beginning

  1. Reply Greg Sep 17,2007 4:22 pm

    Nice work on the graphs. You are an expert.

  2. Reply Paul Romein May 4,2010 8:15 am

    Hahah… Way cool post! Just stumbling by and honestly haven’t even read it, but the graphs were great!

  3. Reply Justin May 4,2010 4:19 pm

    Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed them.

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