My environment is awash with different mood-establishing ambient sounds I’ve recently picked up. Here is my collection.
Tibetan Healing Sounds 11 hours – Tibetan bowls for meditation, relaxation, calming, healing (Recommended by G.N.Pappas)
Rainy Mood / Thunderstorms
Coffee shop chatter
I find those to be my top 3, and they can be ran at the same time to great intensity, and yet I don’t find it distracting. It really makes me feel like I’m in a coffeeshop in a thunderstorm. I find the coffee shop sounds on their own to be distracting actually, so I am happy to pair it with something else like rain.
Here are few more sounds which were recommended to me by G.N.Pappas. You can buy these sounds and others for pennies on the dollar from Amazon.
33 Bowls Tibetan Singing Bowls
Allegri’s Miserere and Palestrina’s Missa Papae Marcelli