Google Inbox Features And Flaws

I have been using Google Inbox Beta for a three weeks now on my iPhone and I’m mostly disappointed. I want to like Google’s new take on email management, but I’m afraid I’ve found Google Inbox to be extremely tedious and unhelpful. There are some winning features here, but many of the would-be advantages are lost due ...

Capturing Decision Energy

Capturing Decision Energy
It is always advisable to capture any decisions you make so that you don’t have to keep making the decisions over and over again. If I find my mind wandering about a project, I also find that my mind is trying to solve the problem. I let it. Any new information about that project that has been generated (e.g. who to call, next ...

Re: I want to get back into the habit of doing

From: N To: Justin Reinhart Subject: Retrain the brain N writes, Do you have references on how one in a way retrains their brain? I want to get back into the habit of learning and not being distracted by my phone or social networks etc. I have a list of science books I want to get ...

Agile Pomodoro Autofocus Scrum GTD Combo 2

Agile Pomodoro Autofocus Scrum GTD Combo
What productivity techniques work for me? I use a combination of Agile, Autofocus, Pomodoro, Scrum, and GTD. Each one of these disciplines is its own religion that each take months or years to study and master. Each of them also have their own cult following.  Like Bruce Lee, I absorb what is useful and discard ...

Productivity Measured Correctly

Productivity Measured Correctly
How I track my time: I keep productivity strictly defined as an activity that produces results.  For example, if I were to spend 1 month learning how to core apples, but I have yet to core a single apple, my productivity score should be 0.00%  If I was to spend a year reading novels, and ...

Save Plastic Forks for Eggs

Here’s a little +1 advantage at breakfast time: Bringing a take-out order home? Use a metal fork for the take-out and save the plastic fork for making eggs. Plastic forks won’t scratch the non-stick surface of your cookware, you can toss it when you’re done eating, and it saves you from washing a spatula.

Alphasmart NEO: Product Review Part 1

(Guest writer Greg Pappas) I am writing this review from my newly acquired Alphasmart NEO, waiting for my friend to show up so I can help him finish his move from one place to another. I have the NEO in my lap in the driver seat, which is where I am typing this up from. ...

Food on the Table App

Game changers and “getting life in order” are two of my favorite topics. I also greatly enjoy when software works rather than, like most apps, are barely adequate to replace pen and paper. I want to take a moment to tell you about an app that I am emphatic about. The app is called Food on the ...

Learning at 1.5x

I watch a lot of learning material at 1.5x speed or even 2.x speed. When a presenter talks slow or you feel the material just isn’t moving along fast enough, you can save a lot of time by accelerating video playback. Here are a few ways that I do it. YouTube It is possible to ...

Your Software Is Killing Your Creativity 1

Your Software Is Killing Your Creativity
It is difficult to be creative and be perfect at the same time, and I believe the two are fairly mutually exclusive. A surefire way to derail a train of thought would be to have the train try and ride two tracks at the same time.  Most will find the human mind works this way as ...

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