Pixel Perfect Billboard Sprites 2

Pixel Perfect Billboard Sprites
I spent some time researching the issue of billboard sprites. I personally believe that the correct course of action is not to just perform a Transform.LookAt, but to actually align all billboard sprites to point the same direction that the camera is pointing. If you simply have each sprite look at the camera, multiple billboards across your screen will ...

Learning at 1.5x

I watch a lot of learning material at 1.5x speed or even 2.x speed. When a presenter talks slow or you feel the material just isn’t moving along fast enough, you can save a lot of time by accelerating video playback. Here are a few ways that I do it. YouTube It is possible to ...

You’re Witnessing A Pain Body

Part of my self-training and self-discipline towards being a superior human being includes seeking out books that would otherwise be alien to me. This exercise stretches the imagination and requires an open mind, and it is something you should do. On just such an occasion I sought out a spiritual book. What? Me spiritual? Certainly not before reading The Power of Now ...

Meta Data for Your Books

Today I’m offering tips on how to prepare to handle huge amounts of learning material by adding meta data to your books. When the game is on you don’t have time to think and this way you don’t have to. Imagine for a moment that you are in an advanced college math class. You have just ...

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