Logical vs. Emotional Decision Outcomes

Reader Question: What is an example of a scenario where making a decision based on emotion rather than on logic will lead to a better overall long term outcome? Justin: Your subjective personal experience trumps everything else. So neither logic nor emotion is a universally ideal choice. What scenario? Every passing moment that you craft ...

Everything Happens for a Reason

When the phrase “everything happens for a reason” is uttered, one is inclined to accept or reject the literal interpretation. It is more advantageous to recognize that this phrase is emblematic of the actual truth. Although those who use the phrase may not realize it themselves, it is nevertheless a signpost pointing to inner peace. ...

Re: What motivates you to live?

Forum user: What motivates you guys to live? … I must be doing it wrong, not figuring out why everyone is so adamant about living. …Forum user Justin: This is a complicated issue. I’ll tell you what I think I’ve learned and you can try to extrapolate from there.The short answer is that you need ...

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