Pixel Perfect Billboard Sprites 2

Pixel Perfect Billboard Sprites
I spent some time researching the issue of billboard sprites. I personally believe that the correct course of action is not to just perform a Transform.LookAt, but to actually align all billboard sprites to point the same direction that the camera is pointing. If you simply have each sprite look at the camera, multiple billboards across your screen will ...

Pause and UnPause a Rigidbody in Unity 2

Nerd stuff ahead.  I needed to freeze a Rigidbody attached to an Object during a scene transition and then unfreeze and maintain the same velocity after the scene has finished loading. It sounds simple but Unity does not appear to have pausing/resuming functionality natively on a Rigidbody. You may be thinking that Sleep or WakeUp functions will help you; ...

Unity Extension for Logging Syntax

I have grown tired of writing the line of code required to log a variable to the Unity console. It gets old. In C# there is a concept by the name of “Extensions” that lets you extend classes that are locked and cannot be inherited from. Using extensions I was able to improve the syntax ...

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