Jordan Peterson Does NOT Have Schizophrenia

The Sunday Times recently put out a hit piece slandering the victim of medical malpractice. It’s a big scandal because the subjects—Jordan Peterson and his daughter—recorded the interview and released it so you can clearly hear that the journalist straight up lied and misrepresented them at every opportunity. Many other news outlets copied the article and the slander without doing any fact checking.

The reality is the Toronto doctors almost killed Jordan by giving him a medication that caused him to feel as though he was being electrocuted and jabbed in the ribs 50 times a minute for 900 hours, along with a terrible crawling sensation in the skin causing an urge to constantly move to make the sensation go away. The doctors then subsequently misdiagnosed him with schizophrenia for behaving so strangely, and recommended ECT. A more competent doctor would later correct the diagnosis to akathisia, a side effect of the medications he was given. This misdiagnosis and correction was clearly pointed out to the journalist during their interview.

Peterson’s family had to fly him to Russia to the best detox clinic they could find, to put Jordan into a coma and take him off the meds. It’s an incredible story about the dangers of medical misdiagnosis and pharmaceuticals; Something everyone should be told about. So naturally this journalist ignored all that and thought they would publish a piece that essentially says “Jordan Peterson has schizophrenia. And his daughter dresses like a Trump supporter. Lol.”

And there we go. Torture victim of medical malpractice turned into a sideshow by a sociopathic journalist. I wish I were kidding.


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