Is Multi Collagen a Scam?

I wrote to a popular brand that produces a collagen supplement, and I asked them if “multi-collagen” is essentially just a marking sham. Their response is worthy of publication; however, I am editing their response to make it anonymous. Please note that this brand does sell a collagen product but does not advertise it as ...

Obesity Code Review

I finished reading The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Weight Loss by Dr. Jason Fung a month or so ago. I am pleased to recommend it as an introductory book on topics such as diet, weight loss, or health. As simple as it sounds, Dr. Fung is one of the few it not the ...

Re: Help I have stomach pain and bloating

Them: I think im not meant to eat raw cauliflower. Every time I do I feel horrible all day. Me: Interesting. I wonder why. What about broccoli ? Them: Same thing. But when i cook or roast the two I’m okay. Me: Does it cause stomach pain or just mysterious lack of energy? Both: Both. ...

Re: Is protein powder safe while breastfeeding?

In response to a public question about protein powder while breastfeeding.  Sophia: I’ve read mixed info on this. Is protein safe while breastfeeding? The brand I’m using is Biohealth and it’s a protein powder. Justin: Biohealth brand has different flavors and I can only find the ingredients listed for just one (when I switch flavors on ...

Things I Want When I’m Sick 2

Here’s a list of my favorite things I want when I’m sick or for treating common colds. You can shorten colds with zinc. You must get zinc lozenges like these that adhere to the science. They take 30 minutes to dissolve in your mouth and supply 12-18mg of zinc to the surrounding tissues. This is ...

Glucose Test Strips Comparison 2

This entry compares the two least expensive glucose testing strips available. Firstly, no, I don’t have diabetes or pre-diabetes. However, I do sympathize with those that do, especially after pricking my fingers 100+ times. I’ve literally bled for this post so please enjoy. 🙂 After reading Wired To Eat I decided to do some glucose tolerance ...

Perfecting Sleep

In response to a thread on sleep problems I wrote the following advice. Occasionally I return and add more items to get them all in one place. Let’s fix sleep with science. Put these blue-blocking sunglasses on before bed. [amazon link] . That will allow your brain to get sleepy. These are superior at blocking ...

Grain Brain Book Review

I finished reading Grain Brain a few weeks ago. I highly recommend it as an introductory book for anyone with a family member suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia. That being said, if you already have significant experience with functional medicine you’ll appreciate the conciseness of the book as an introductory resource for others, but you ...

World’s Longest Living People

50 Secrets of the World’s Longest Living People Some time closer to 2005 I was reading a book called 50 Secrets of the World’s Longest Living People. Although I don’t agree with everything it claims, it is an interesting take on health. Here are a few notes I took while reading the book: Okinawa Around ...

Alton Brown Diet

It is the start of the new year and a lot of folks are choosing to double their efforts at losing weight with their New Year’s resolutions. This seems like a perfect time to post the following treasure that originally aired January 4th, 2010. (That’s 5 years ago to the day.) There’s an episode of Good Eats named ...

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