Tying Depression, Motivation, and Meditation Together

This article is based on a conversation I had. It is edited to be more coherent. It is not meant to be taken literally because I am not a neurologist. Take it as advanced speculation. Anonymous: I’m reading a book about how to stop being depressed without using medication. Justin: Does reading the book make ...

Dealing with Heartbreak

Dealing with Heartbreak
In response to a public question about overcoming heartbreak, I responded with the following advice and it always seems to resonate with people. D.F.:  How do you deal with heartbreak? Cause apparently, I don’t. Justin: I’m gonna make a big assumption that you’re talking about a failed relationship. And if not, this may help those it ...

Embracing Superstition

Once, while having a conversation about wingsuit diving, it occurred to me that there was an important element to my life that has gone missing for a long time. The presence of this element is critically important, or is at the very least directly related to happiness. As much as it pains me to say it, ...

Your Software Is Killing Your Creativity 1

Your Software Is Killing Your Creativity
It is difficult to be creative and be perfect at the same time, and I believe the two are fairly mutually exclusive. A surefire way to derail a train of thought would be to have the train try and ride two tracks at the same time.  Most will find the human mind works this way as ...

Magic Phrase: I’m an Onsite Technician

I’m a computer professional who detests having to call customer service; I’d much rather fix it myself. But on occasion, I need a warranty replacement, or the internet is just “down down”, and I have no choice but to speak to the company.  I groan just thinking about waiting on hold, just to talk to ...

You’re Witnessing A Pain Body

Part of my self-training and self-discipline towards being a superior human being includes seeking out books that would otherwise be alien to me. This exercise stretches the imagination and requires an open mind, and it is something you should do. On just such an occasion I sought out a spiritual book. What? Me spiritual? Certainly not before reading The Power of Now ...

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