Life of Crime Wishlist

For your amusement, here’s my criminal wishlist, which I came up while riffing: – Jump into a car and shout “drive,” while hanging out the window and shooting at a police tail. – Shoot one of my own henchmen because he displeased me, preferably on a transatlantic flight of my private jet – Trade a ...

Open Letter to Netflix

Dear Netflix, I was calling to report a minor bug, but seems like I stumbled upon a few more issues, eh? Issues My Instant Queue keeps changing from 161 movies to 148 movies, and back again, roughly half the time I click “Instant Queue.” (This is the problem I was originally calling about.) This is reproducible ...

Paleo Diet Versus My Cholesterol

These results are my own and published for your amusement. Eating Habits Recap I was on a (subjectively) healthy diet (the slow-carb diet) for almost a year which resulted in my lipid panels on 12/12/2011. I’ve been on the Paleo diet since 2/21/2012 with very few exceptions. My data is pretty clean. I haven’t eaten ...

Open letter to Zynga

I will never stop trying to improve things. Here is my open letter to Zynga about Hanging With Friends for iPhone. I do take software tweaks seriously. Good work guys. Great game. Some feedback regarding woes of auto-forfeit: Description: I’m usually a very busy person and when I finally sit down to play Hanging With Friends ...

The Power of Now Review 1

The Power of Now is the most bizarre book you’d ever find me reading. I remember turning on the audiobook and the first 16 seconds were so existential I burst into laughter. I was up for the challenge and so I continued to listen and I have since learned to respect Eckhart Tolle’s somewhat unique philosophy. ...

You’re Witnessing A Pain Body

Part of my self-training and self-discipline towards being a superior human being includes seeking out books that would otherwise be alien to me. This exercise stretches the imagination and requires an open mind, and it is something you should do. On just such an occasion I sought out a spiritual book. What? Me spiritual? Certainly not before reading The Power of Now ...

Meta Data for Your Books

Today I’m offering tips on how to prepare to handle huge amounts of learning material by adding meta data to your books. When the game is on you don’t have time to think and this way you don’t have to. Imagine for a moment that you are in an advanced college math class. You have just ...

Mighty Chain Calendar

Today I’m going to tell you how to build daily habits by turning routine into a game. Become super productive and give yourself a foundation and permission to explore things that YOU want to do. 1. Get a calendar to hang on the wall. Buy yourself a full year wall calendar if you can find ...

A Bookmark for Each Book

If you are reading multiple books–let’s say 15, like myself–you need a bookmark for every book. I know this seems silly but I was actually keeping track mentally of where I was in each of these books; successfully I might add, but with a nagging feeling I would eventually fail. I was devoting so much ...

How to Get Rid of the Clutter

Today I’m going to tell you how to empower yourself to get rid of the clutter in your life and make room for what you REALLY desire. Have you ever found some paperwork on your desk or in a closet that you kept because you thought it was important but it was never used? A ...

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